About ERY

"Empowering Rural Youth" is the passionate program organized by Shivaji University, Kolhapur along with Dnyaneshwar Mulay Education Society & Global Organization of People of India Origin (GOPIO) in Kolhapur.

This is an international lecture series in which prominent speakers not only from India but from the globe will come & share the knowledge &  experience to the young minds of the Western Maharashtra . This will act truly as the Window to the world for the enthusiastic people who want to develop themselves & also wants to develop the society.

This lecture series will include all cross sections of the Society Mainly the entrepreneurs, educationalist & intellectuals who are the building blocks of this country.

This lecture series will be held in the premises of Shivaji University ,Kolhapur . This lectures will be free to all .Some proposed Speakers are as followed -
Naveen Chawala  (Former Chief Election Commissioner of India)
Mr. D.R. Kartikeyan  (Former Director , CBI )
Dr. Suman Sahai  (Founder President of Gene Campaign)
Ambassador Leela K Ponnapa  ( Former Deputy National Security Adviser )
,Bicky Chakravarti ( Known as Hotel King of Sweden )
Lata Panda(Former of Sampdaya, Canada)
Harish Nim ( CEO , Emerio NTT, Singapore)
Keith Waz ( MP,UK )

We feel that this series will act as a starting point to enrich the Quest of Knowledge in  Rural youth.